Thursday, October 27, 2005

Plan B World

In artist Camille Rose Garcia's newest exhibition entitled Plan: B, the title itself suggests an alternate course of action, or fanciful reaction to the current state of world affairs. With cutting, and often times humorous narrative, Garcia creates a visual world where fantastical counter organizations, not dissimilar to exaggerated factions of our own society, pollute and conspire, battle and breed. In Garcia's world:

Plan: B is what happens when Plan A, our over-populated, over-consuming way of life known as Western Society, stops working. Plan: B is an elaborate escape and survival plan devised by three separatist factions when western society collapses. The Royal Disorder; the elitist prisoners of denial and fantasy who float around in ball gowns swallowing apathy elixirs. The Orphaned Nihilist Society; the part- doomed existentialists, part-paranoid militants who devise various escape shelters at the bottom of oceans and inside of caves. And lastly, The Subterraneans; a pasty doomsday cult who have been living underground for years, stockpiling and making preparations to take over when society, as we know it, collapses.

Using symbolism and metaphor, Garcia critiques our current state of denial about the environment, population, and military catastrophes which have undeniable consequences for us all.

This is a dark vision, but one well worth exploring. How does the apocalypic influence us? How do we neutralize it to reshape our world (personal and collective)


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